sábado, abril 28, 2007
O Dosha VATA

É o princípio do movimento, responsável pelo sistema nervosos, a respiração, o movimento, bem como os processos de eliminação.
Encontra-se associado com os elementos éter (ou espaço) e ar.
Quando uma pessoa, cujo dosha predominante é o Vata se encontra em equilíbrio, caracteriza-se por um estado de felicidade e de entusiasmo, plena de energia e creatividade.
A mente encontra-se calma e alerta.
quarta-feira, abril 25, 2007

Ayurveda identifica três princípios fundamentais relativos ao funcionamento da natureza e apelidados de Doshas.
Estes operam na natureza mas também podem ser encontrados na nossa mente e no nosso corpo.
De modo a que a nossa mente se mantenha alerta, activa e os nossos orgãos funcionem de uma forma saudável, é necessário que os Doshas se encontrem num estado de balanço.
Até ao final da semana desenvolveremos mais este tópico.
Bom Feriado!
The Panchen Lama

The boy recognized by the Dalai Lama(1) as Tibet's 11th Panchen Lama turns 18 today after spending almost twelve years under Chinese captivity.
The Panchen Lama, regarded as one of Tibet's most important religious figures, was abducted by the Chinese state in May 1995 at the age of six and became the world's youngest political prisoner(2).
China has flatly rejected all requests for information on his whereabouts and well-being from national governments, the EU and UN(3) and it remains unclear what China's intentions are for the long-term future of the boy.
"China's detention of the Panchen Lama represents a crime not only against a child, but against the entire Tibetan people who regard the ongoing detention of one of their most important religious leaders as a source of great distress. It is a clear demonstration of the lengths to which China is prepared to go to control, and ultimately crush, both Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan identity itself" said Matt Whitticase of Free Tibet Campaign.
China's reasons for abducting the Panchen Lama became clear when, soon after the abduction, it appointed its own Panchen Lama(4). The Panchen Lama is responsible for selecting the future reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. By appointing, and thereby controlling, its own Panchen Lama China sought to appropriate the right to select the reincarnation of the present Dalai Lama and ultimately to control the future of Tibetan Buddhism and identity itself.
China has aggresively promoted its Panchen Lama, Gyaltsen Norbu, whose visits to Tibet and participation in events such as last year's World Buddhist Forum in China are widely reported in the official state media in an attempt to boost his legitimacy.
The Tibetan people however refuse to recognize Gyaltsen Norbu as the true reincarnation of Tibet's 11th Panchen Lama. One Tibetan monk told Tibet Watch(5): "The Panchen Lama who was chosen by the Chinese government has no recognition and faith from the Tibetan people although [the] Panchen Lama is the highest position in the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery and he is a precious lama.
(1) Historically Panchen and Dalai Lamas have shared a close relationship in Tibetan Buddhism. The reincarnation of one is responsible for passing on the body of Tibetan spiritual learning to the younger reincarnation of the other. The reincarnation of one cannot be recognized as legal in a religious sense without the recognition of the other. By refusing to recognize the Dalai Lama's choice of Panchen Lama, China seeks to break this crucial relationship and, in so doing, determine the long-term future of Tibetan Buddhism and Tibet itself.
(2) Gedhun Choekyi Nyima [the lay name of the Panchen Lama] and his parents have not been since they were abducted in 1995.
(3) China has justified the ongoing detention of the Panchen Lama by asserting that he is a young boy who wishes to be left alone. His reaching of adulthood, however, means China can no longer seek to justify his detention on the grounds of age.
(4) On 8 December 1995 Gyaltsen Norbu was enthroned as Tibet's 11th Panchen Lama. The political importance attached by the avowedly atheist Chinese Government to the appointment of Gyaltsen Norbu, in place of the Dalai Lama's choice, as Panchen Lama was underlined by the close role played by then President Jiang Zemin in the enthronement ceremony.
(5) Tibet Watch is a research-based sister organization to Free Tibet Campaign
(6) To mark the Panchen Lama's 18th birthday Free Tibet Campaign has launched an online petition demanding his immediate release. The site also has a downloadable short campaign video, highlighting the case of the Panchen Lama.
domingo, abril 22, 2007
Encontro de Primavera

Este ano a Herdade do Freixo do Meio irá organizar a segunda edição do Encontro de Primavera.
Neste encontro, a realizar no dia 25 de Abril, a partir das 9 horas, a Herdade abre as suas portas à população em geral, proporcionando um dia cheio de actividades associadas ao montado, ao mundo rural, à divulgação da Agricultura Biológica, da importância da Biodiversidade e da Conservação da Natureza.
Programa do Encontro:
- II Campeonato Internacional de Cães Pastores, - Mostra de exemplares de cães pastores,- Demonstração do trabalho de cães pastores com porcos, cabras e perus,- Percursos pedestres de educação ambiental,- Percursos temáticos para bicicletas,- Visitas guiadas às unidades de transformação e produção, - Demonstração da fileira da lã (da tosquia à fiação) e da bolota (da árvore ao pão),- Exposições/venda de artistas locais (pintura, fotografia, escultura, cerâmica, landart…)- Jogos no montado - actividades infantis, - Serviços de cafetaria e restauração, - Zona de piquenique,- Prova e venda de produtos de Agricultura Biológica,- Demonstração de falcoaria,- Apresentação ao público e à imprensa, da adesão da Herdade do Freixo do Meio à rede Pan-Europeia "Countdown2010 – Travar a Perda da Biodiversidade na Europa", em parceria com a AmBioDiv – Valor Natural.
A Herdade do Freixo do Meio localiza-se junto aos Foros de Vale de Figueira, perto de Montemor-o-Novo.
A entrada é gratuita e convidamos todos os participantes a trazerem a sua bicicleta e binóculos, para poderem aproveitar este dia da melhor forma.
Para mais informações consultar: http://www.herdadedofreixodomeio.com/ ou m http://www.sousacunhal.pt/
Lançamento do livro - Ensinamentos S.S. Dalai Lama

A Editora Ésquilo, a Comissão Dalai Lama Lisboa 2007 e o Projecto “A Filosofia e as Grandes Religiões do Mundo” convidam para o lançamento dos livros SABEDORIA PARA VIVER da autoria de Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama e A VIA DO BODHISATTVA da autoria de Shantideva, no anfiteatro III da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, sito na Alameda da Universidade, em Lisboa, quinta-feira, 3 de Maio, às 19h00.
Ficam assim disponíveis os textos das conferências proferidas em Portugal por Sua Santidade em 2001, bem como o texto de base dos seus Ensinamentos de 13 a 16 de Setembro próximo, um grande clássico da literatura mundial e da espiritualidade budista.
Serão oradores Frei Bento Domingues, membro da Comissão de Honra Dalai Lama Lisboa 2007, o Prof. Doutor Paulo Borges, da Comissão Dalai Lama Lisboa 2007 e Presidente da União Budista Portuguesa, e o Prof. Doutor Carlos João Correia, coordenador do Projecto «A Filosofia e as Grandes Religiões do Mundo».
Na sessão será distribuído à comunicação social o Dossier de Imprensa da visita de Sua Santidade a Portugal, de 13 a 16 de Setembro, bem como o programa do Colóquio “O Buda e o Budismo no Ocidente e na Cultura Portuguesa”, a decorrer neste mesmo espaço em 3 e 4 de Outubro.
No final será servido um Porto de Honra.
3 Tips to Fight Computer Fatigue

Does logging on give you headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes? Fight back with these tips. Make sure your eyes look down slightly when you work. Look away from your screen every half hour, and focus on something 20 feet away. And leave your desk completely once every hour to give your eyes a break from the screen.
High-Tech Health SyndromeOur ancestors roamed the Serengeti with their sights set on the horizon. We sit at desks all day staring at a computer screen. The result for many: computer fatigue syndrome. It causes eyestrain, dizziness, headaches, low energy, and neck, back, and shoulder pain.
Remember the Three RsWorking or playing on the computer for more than 3 hours a day increases your odds of the condition. So remember the three Rs: Readjust (your screen, that is -- so your eyes look down); refocus (your eyes -- on something far away, once in a while); and remove (your whole body -- from your workstation, now and then).
And, what the heck, blink once in a while, too, to help keep your eyes moist.
domingo, abril 08, 2007

Actually, if we look around, people whom we don't like and people who harm us are in the minority. Let's say we're at work, at a social gathering, or at a Dharma center with thirty people. How many of them do we really dislike? We may have problems with a few people here and there, but we manage to stay in a room together, don't we? It's not like we despise them and they hate us.
The number of people we can't stand in this world is actually very small. These people are rare. To practice patience we need the people that we don't like. We can't practice patience with our friends or with people who are kind to us. Finding people that we don't like or who threaten us is not so easy. So, when we finally find them, they are a precious treasure! They are rare to find. When we meet them, we can think, "Fantastic, I get to practice patience now."
They say that high-level bodhisattvas pray to meet disgusting, uncooperative people because they want to practice patience. Of course, when you really want to meet obnoxious people, they don't show up! Why don't they turn up for high-level bodhisattvas? Because high-level bodhisattvas don't have any anger. We could be sitting in a room with many people whom we consider unbearable, but high-level bodhisattvas don't see them that way at all. To them, these people appear lovable. Bodhisattvas have such a hard time finding detestable people, whereas we come across them so easily!
So, when we find people whom we don't like, feel threatened by, or find despicable, we should recognize that there aren't so many of them around. Therefore, we should cherish them and take the opportunity to practice patience with them.
from Cultivating a Compassionate Heart: The Yoga Method of Chenrezig by Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron, foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama, published by Snow Lion Publications
Agni Tea Recipe

The first definition of agni is the element of Fire, the second of the five elements in the body.
It also denotes the digestive fire which regulates temperature, performs digestion, absorption, and assimilation of ingested food, and transforms food into energy or consciousness.
Agni Tea is a simple beverage that helps to regulate and stimulate your digestive capacity, improving all the functions of digestive agni.
Agni Tea Recipe
1 quart Water
1 pinch Cayenne
2 handfuls minced ginger root
2 sweetener tsp
1 to 2 tsp salt
Bring all of the above ingredients to a boil. Boil for 20 minutes.
Take the pot off the burner and cool for a few minutes
Add the juice of 1/2 lime. Do not boil the lime juice.
Pour into a thermos and enjoy throughout the day!
Ayurvedic Medecine

Ayurvedic medicine is also called Ayurveda. It is a system of medicine that originated in India several thousand years ago.
The term Ayurveda combines two Sanskrit words ayur, which means life, and veda, which means science or knowledge. Ayurveda means "the science of life."
Ayurveda is based on ideas from Hinduism, one of the world's oldest and largest religions. Some Ayurvedic ideas also evolved from ancient Persian thoughts about health and healing.
Many Ayurvedic practices were handed down by word of mouth and were used before there were written records.
Many Ayurvedic practices were handed down by word of mouth and were used before there were written records.
Two ancient books, written in Sanskrit on palm leaves more than 2,000 years ago, are thought to be the first texts on Ayurveda--Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita. They cover many topics, including:
Pathology (the causes of illness)
Surgery (this is no longer part of standard Ayurvedic practice)
How to care for children
Advice for practitioners, including medical ethics
Ayurveda has long been the main system of health care in India, although conventional (Western) medicine is becoming more widespread there, especially in urban areas. About 70 percent of India's population lives in rural areas; about two-thirds of rural people still use Ayurveda and medicinal plants to meet their primary health care needs.
In addition, most major cities have an Ayurvedic college and hospital. Ayurveda and variations of it have also been practiced for centuries in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Tibet. The professional practice of Ayurveda in the United States began to grow and became more visible in the late 20th century.
segunda-feira, abril 02, 2007
Amnesty queries China over Panchen Lama in rare talks

Human rights group Amnesty International raised concerns in a rare meeting Friday with the Chinese government about the detained child chosen successor to Tibet's spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.
In its first official meeting with the Chinese embassy in Washington, Amnesty's US office brought up the issue of the so-called Panchen Lama, who was six years old when he was detained by Chinese authorities in 1995 after the Dalai Lama named the boy his successor.
"We raised our concerns about the whereabouts of the Panchen Lama, who has not been seen for more than 10 years, and asked the Chinese authorities to allow him freedom of movement," said T. Kumar, Amnesty's Asia-Pacific director of advocacy.
Beijing has refused to permit access to the boy, identified as Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, who will turn 18 years old in April. He was believed to be the world's youngest political prisoner when he was detained.The Chinese maintain that he is a "normal schoolboy" living in China, but has refused to permit anyone from the international community to visit him in order to confirm his welfare and well-being, the US State Department said recently.
"Verbal assurances are not sufficient to allay international concerns," US Under Secretary of State Paula Dobriansky told a Congressional hearing."Agreement to such a visit would send a very positive signal to the world about China's intentions with regard to religious freedom," said Dobriansky, the special coordinator for Tibetan issues in President George W. Bush's administration.
At the meeting with Chinese embassy counsellor Sun Baohong, Kumar said he also enquired about the conditions of three jailed sons of US-exiled leader of China's Uighur Muslim minority Rebiya Kadeer, and called on Beijing to stop the repatriation of North Korean refugees back to their country.The embassy agreed to the meeting to discuss with Amnesty the human rights situation in Sudan's Darfur province, where violence has left 200,000 dead and 2.5 million homeless since 2003.
While China is trying to pressure Sudan to allow the United Nations and African Union troops to enter Darfur, Beijing should play a "more active role" in promoting human rights there, Kumar said.
Amnesty members also held protests in front of the Chinese embassy on Friday to highlight the humanitarian plight in Darfur.
S.S. Dalai Lama - Conferência Pública

13 a 16 de Setembro - Ensinamentos e Conferência Pública
English version-PDF
Caras Amigas e Amigos,
Temos o prazer de anunciar que já se encontram à venda os bilhetes para a Conferência Pública de Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama, " O Poder do Bom Coração", no Pavilhão Atlântico, em Lisboa, no dia 16 de Setembro.
Como adquirir bilhete para a Conferência Pública:
- Pela Internet: http://www.pavilhaoatlantico.pt/
- Nas Bilheteiras: Pavilhão Atlântico, lojas FNAC (Algarve Shopping, Almada, Cascais, Chiado, Coimbra, Colombo, Gaia Shopping, Madeira, Norte Shopping, Sta Catarina); "El Corte Inglés" Lisboa e Gaia; Agência ABEP; Agência Alvalade; Casa Viola (Rua Augusta, Areeiro, Colombo); ACP (Rua Rosa Araújo, CC Colombo, Amoreiras).
Os bilhetes têm o custo único de 25 euros e os lugares são marcados.
Participe na Conferência na qualidade de Patrocinador:
Poderá obter a qualidade de patrocinador fazendo um donativo de 250 euros ou mais e, entre outras vantagens, receberá um convite para a zona reservada aos patrocinadores, nos lugares da frente.
As 3 instituições organizadoras desta 2ª visita de S.S. o Dalai Lama a Portugal são instituições sem fins lucrativos, que dependem exclusivamente de donativos particulares. A sua contribuição financeira ajudará a tornar possível a realização do evento. Recordamos que caso resulte algum excedente, o mesmo será entregue a Sua Santidade, que o doará para causas sociais e humanitárias.
Bilhetes para os 3 dias de ensinamentos:
Aproveitamos para informar que os bilhetes para os 3 Dias de Ensinamentos, "O Desenvolvimento da Paz Interior", no Auditório da Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, Lisboa, continuam disponíveis, podendo ser adquiridos no Secretariado da Organização, ou por e-mail através deste formulário .
Para mais informações visite o nosso site: http://www.dalailamalisboa2007.com/